A landlord has been ordered to pay more than £1,000 after his building waste was found dumped in ancient woodland in May.
The man accused of attempted murder after a stabbing at Leytonstone Tube station has been remanded in custody after appearing at the Old Bailey.
The man who shouted at a suspected terrorist during a stabbing at Leytonstone Tube station, coining a phrase which went viral, has denounced extremists.
EAGLE-EYED children will be able to catch a glimpse of Santa flying over London today.
A "Dragons' Den style" panel of five business experts grilled Waltham Forest students and budding entrepreneurs on business ideas.
Police are growing increasingly concerned for the welfare of a missing 16-year-old boy.
Two men accused of shooting dead a Turkish man and dumping his body in a Leytonstone beauty spot have denied murder.