Walthamstow.London - Naked Church - First, a note from Felicity of FKK: The countdown begins just 14 days until Nude Year's Eve! It http://walthamstow.london/News/naked-church-first-a-note-from-felicity-of-fkk-the-countdown-begins-just-14-days-until-nude-years-eve-it/ To appease your unbridled anticipation of this nude occasion, I will be featuring guest websites over the next few days from our Nude Year's Eve patrons! In their own words they'll talk about what they do nude (a assortment of stuff) and how they're involved with NYE 2012. To begin, here is a private and thoughtful post from Isis Phoenix Sensuous Shaman. Naked Church "I have been per Tue, 10 Jan 2017 16:33:29 UTC en