Plans to cut spending on homeless services in Waltham Forest by £1 million could lead to a rise in rough sleepers in the borough, a charity had warned.
SIX men who lured their victim into a fake drug deal before robbing him and knife and gun point have been sentenced to a total of 64 years in prison.
Despite an urgent appeal reaching thousands of people worldwide, a student’s life still hangs in the balance after failing to find a stem cell donor.
IN the run-up to the EU referendum on June 23, the Guardian is asking people for their views on whether the UK should leave or remain.
Hundreds demonstrated outside Town Hall in Walthamstow to oppose the Mini Holland cycle scheme.
IN the run-up to the EU referendum on June 23, The Guardian is asking people for their views on whether the UK should leave or remain.
Sports presenter and West Ham fan Matthew Lorenzo grew up knowing one of the greatest footballers in English history - Sir Bobby Moore - who also happened to be a very close friend of his father.